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new life

i danced in the warm rain

touched the cool earth

listened to the ocean

felt the wind on my skin

trembled with excitement during thunderstorms 

i felt life sprout and grow

deep inside my womb

like thousands of butterflies

you kicked, hiccuped, pushed

my heart beat for you

my lungs breathed for you

i heard your little heart beat too fast to even count 

you announced yourself with

the eruption of one powerful 

wave after another wave

i feared my own life was sure

to end with the start of yours

you took your first breath 

cried loud angered over

being forcefully pushed into another realm

too bright

too loud

too cold was your new reality

nothing in my existence

could ever have prepared me

to feel such pain and such joy

as i did with the incredible

birth of such a perfect

                                   little being



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