This beautiful young woman was struggling with demons and needed to be in her mother’s safe arms. Separated by the Atlantic Ocean, her mom was trying to get Alina into the US from Germany all year because Alina was struggling with depression and anxiety. Alina was an A student who chose nursing, giving to others, as her career path. She initially went missing for three months. I can‘t image what that must have been like for my friend Claudia who fought German authorities from afar to aide in finding her missing daughter. Even more heartbreaking is she was already gone when she was found by a family acquaintance in an abandoned house. Authorities say suicide but Claudia has doubts because a friend (questionable) of Alina gave her some very strong antianxiety medications obviously not prescribed to her.
If not for COVID, this beautiful 28 year old promising young woman would be safe in her mom’s arms. I can‘t begin to know the pain my friend is going through.
My reason for blogging is to remember her and to not let her be forgotten.