time is bestowed upon us
given at first breath of life
life’s gracious infinite gift
valued not for years to come
time appears to be boundless
yet quickly the years do pass
slipping silently away from us
unnoticed just ticking on by
awareness slowly creeps in
for time does have her own
way of showing us her labor
forced one day
we do take notice
once upon a time she believed
believed in the power of magic
she concocted secrete potions
to awaken sleeping dragons
as real to her as wind and rain
once upon a time she believed
believed in the power of love
the most powerful potion of all
with her own Prince Charming
life would be a happy fairy tale
once upon a time she believed
but the years passed by quickly
she became a mom to princesses
dragons no longer whispered to her
and true love never found its way
But oh how she misses the days
Spent whispering to fierce dragons
Gone are Yesterdays
where are all the yesterdays
carefree days of our youth
our steps quick and light
free of all today’s burdens
where are all the yesterdays
promises of new adventures
weekends out with friends
laughing, singing, dancing
where are all the yesterdays
Our hearts still full of trust
Our dreams future's reality
Our lives full of possibilities
Lasting Memories
dust danced in sun rays peaking
through cracks of the barn‘s slats
dust from the hay tickled my nose
the swallow flocks dove in and out
peekaboo games with croaking frogs
perched on pills of pungent manure
inflated their necks like water balloons
i peeked they stopped i hid they croaked
walked along the barbed wire fence
my boot got stuck in the thick mud
reached in with outstretched hand
to be licked by a big scratchy tongue
my heart pounded in panicked fear
wings spread wide honked and hissed
chased me inside the chicken coop
i ran fast to lock the gate just in time
a row of mysterious weeping willows
formed a majestic tunnel along ponds
i searched for my enchanted frog prince
instead caught tadpoles with tiny feet
clothes, hands, feet stained crimson
victor in a sweet cherry tree battle
tiptoed up the creaky wooden stairs
to avoid a crimson fated bottom
a barking dog, sound of distant laughter
dishes clinking wafted through the open
window as I drifted away on the warm
summer night’s breeze to a magical place
do you remember a time long ago
when little things meant so much more
the year’s first snow fall as a child
waking early Christmas Day mornings
last day of school for summer’s start
running house to house on Halloween
weekend Road trips to the family cabin
sparkling Candles and Birthday cakes
coasting fast down the steepest hills
the sound and feel of the rushing wind
playing till the street lights came on
staying awake to catch the tooth fairy
spinning until the sky spun on its own
diffusing sunlight through squinty eyes
do you remember those days long gone
when we rejoiced in simpler things in life

i was thinking about you the other day
remembering a long gone simpler time
when you flicking a rubber seal band at
me lead to hours of running and hiding
and an unhappy Oma for we used her
orange mason jar seal rings in battle
everything seemed possible back then
we could fly if only for a few seconds
as we jumped off of huge stacks of hay
i was always in trouble for yelling the
loudest and never following the rules
you sigh some things never change
they sold the old Miller‘s Farm house
the place of so many of our childhood
memories many years ago it has been
i have not had the courage to return yet
in my dreams I find my way back there
that place of a long gone simpler time