I see the broken souls
Hiding in their fortress
Bricks made of suspicion
Fear the cement of choice
Vigilantly guarded souls
Like rabid dogs they bark
Anytime someone comes
Too close to their domain
Nothing can bridge walls
No hurt nor true kindness
Yet inside the very fortress
Sits waiting to escape
Our paths’ cross with all different kinds of people. Some of these are so broken inside they ascertain satisfaction or pleasure by causing other people emotional pain. Realizing and recognizing such behavior in others has taken me a life time of encounters. Being an empath, I struggle to comprehend how someone else’s pain could elicit satisfaction at any level. I learned if I keep my emotions in check and just observe, I can slowly see the pattern of behavior directed towards me with the intention of causing emotional distress. The clarity is astounding and turns the aggressors into victims, the broken souls they truly are because what other motive than self loathing could motivate someone to want to hurt others? I ponder what hurt or pain must lie so deep for them to have a need to place such hurt on others? Think you can change them now? No!! Wrong!! The danger is in underestimating the hold this darkness has on such individuals. For if you attempt to approach them with the truth of their own pain, they will go to extreme lengths to deny what they have been covering deeply and easing with the satisfaction of hurting others they find not trust worthy. They may toy with you and set you up for a fall you don’t see coming. The greater the fall the greater the satisfaction I suppose. The best course, once you recognize someone is being purposefully, unprovoked, hurtful and does not allow for communication is to peacefully move out of the person’s life and maintain distance.
A not so long ago good example, if someone asks you what your weekend plans are, and the previous discussions centered around getting together at some point, you then respond with not having plans, the individual then states you should probably find something to do then ... and finds the situation amusing... you have to wonder what purpose the question held. The person knew you were interested in doing something then took that knowledge to set up an emotional fall which should be a flashing red light with loud horns.
I try not to take these types of scenarios or people too personal anymore for if I did I would become old, bitter and cynical. I’m still getting old, but I don’t have to become bitter and cynical. The broken souls I encounter only make me appreciate all the good souls I meet even more.