The park is 206 miles North of our home. Approximately, a 3 hour drive which is no great distance for American standards. Ada drove us all the way up. The journey took us through Duluth. On our trip back home Duluth and Lake Superior looked as if they were on fire, such as amazing sunset. We were driving SW right into the fire lite sky. I stopped so Ada could take a few photos. As the blaze started settling down, the waxing crescent moon and North Star become more prominent in the sky ahead of us. A spectator view.
Before we enjoyed the nature show in the sky, we stopped at a small coffee/pizza joint in Two Harbors. Great food and very friendly. We will definitely go there again on our next visit up North. Ada said we need to stay a bit longer next time to enjoy the beautiful nature. Maybe we will find a place to stay the night on our next adventure together to Gooseberry Falls.

Awesome nature pictures! Late fall can be beautiful if weather permits, of course the picture of you and Ada is the best, a keeper.