Well, I will ponder and you may read if you are interested or bored. I have gotten lost or have lost my way and I wonder how many other people out there are lost inside and pretend everything is ok. I wonder why we exist. I wonder about God. And I wonder if true unconditional love in the human realm is possible, soulmates, or is it just a good story line for movies because deep down inside everyone longs to find that kind of love? To be loved as deeply as we love. I don't want to become jaded but I am losing faith in human beings. A christian woman once told me it was fruitless to teach our children how to love because people only disappoint each other that the only pure love was with God, He will always be there and never disappoint you. I've been agnostic, so it's hard for me to admit I've thought about her words many times over the years. I always believed if you could just love someone deeply and hard enough to feel, they would return that love. I was wrong. I've found those we love deeply are not the people who love us must, instead those we deny our love to seem to want our love the most. What does that say about us?