There are a lot of lonely people out there. On-line dating sites are loaded with lonely people. Why? Or why are there so many married people looking for affairs on sites like double.list? Why are they lonely if they are married? What's worse, alone and lonely or married and lonely in a relationship? I don't think people want to always change or take the risk of getting hurt but rather just remain lonely. I went on a few walks and a movie date with a man I met online. We had a great time but he started saying and acting strange and started distancing. I can handle straight out "we're not a match". I like honest, direct communication. But I'm also on a dating site to find a companion to do things with, so I'm not alone all the time. For example, I love going on walks and he did as well. When I finally said ok I'm deleting you, his response "good, I can't get entangled so quickly". He was on a dating site to meet someone, I presume he was feeling lonely, like something was missing; however, when faced with letting someone close to him, he preferred being alone. I don't consider two nature walks and a movie an entanglement or moving too quickly. Are we all jaded? Afraid of getting hurt? Fear of rejection?
taking over my vital organs
like a cancer just eating away
consuming my flesh and soul
leaving numbness in its wake
standing at the vortex's edge
feeling the pull on my soul
with one step begins the fall
into the depths of loneliness
loneliness has my number
can't remember giving it to him
never wanted him to hang out
but he just kept coming around
life‘s irony made us great friends
i can feel his familiar warm touch
he burns hot through my veins
so hot i want to numb his pain
even so there’s a comfort
i think he’s become
my companion
for life