Morton's neuroma is a benign neuroma of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve, most commonly of the second and third intermetatarsal spaces (between the second/third and/or third/fourth metatarsal heads), which results in the entrapment of the affected nerve. Mine is between the third/fourth metatarsal which innervates the two smaller toes furthest from my hullux (large toe) on my right foot. The shooting pain has come to the point of intolerance of even the smallest amount of compression. I’ve not been able to even wear a compression sock on my right foot when at work standing 12 hours.
I first started noticing the pain early 2021. The neuroma has increasingly gotten worse over the last year. I am no longer able to go for nature walks because after just a short while the compression from my boot creates excruciating shooting pain.
A month ago, my podiatrist tried a cortisone injection in the site which “omg” talk about painful. I started to sweat. unfortunately, the treatment was not effective and I will be having surgery to remove the neuroma this Tuesday (1.18.22). I go in, he cuts it out, I go home with a walking boot. I am very happy to finally get this done because I want to “walk this way”. I just love “livin’ on the edge”! Just a little reference to Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler who had a Morton’s Neuroma removed 🤣