some days I wake up
as if from a deep slumber
look at my surroundings
marvel at where I am
try to remember exactly
how i found my way here
wonder what purpose
does this existence hold
I long to connect with
another awakened soul
but I realize I am alone
I am here
where I‘ve always been
on my own lost in a sea
of endless thoughts
In the darkness
lost and alone
I cried out to be seen
to be loved
But the only voice I heard
was my own
That was the moment
I knew
I had found

Who am I?
I am the one who hears
the incessant critcal internal voice
and all the sounds surrounding me
I am the one who sees
the external world outside of my body
I am the one who feels
all created internal emotional energies
I am the one who
hears, sees and feels all
I am the one who is
I am more than my negative passenger
the earth shook and rumbled
as a giant gust of warm wind
swept in from internal heaven
lifting the clingy stubborn fog
letting the sun shine brightly
such is the sudden awakening
the true awareness of the soul
I tried so hard to love others
To be kind and humble
To give gratitude
To show empathy
When all awhile
I neglected to see
I denied these very virtues
To the most important person of all