someone woke me up again...
I survived my first week as assistant clinical manager. I’m always hardest on myself. I guess that’s also the force driving me to do better. My brain was steaming this week. I enjoy the new challenge and just need to get myself organized. I asked for a large 4 x 3 foot dry eraser board to organize pertinent information for example which residents are in the hospital, on precautions, falls, wounds etc... I’m visual so this will be very useful. I know I’ll do a good job because I work hard and care.
I’ve come to realize “God” is the universe; therefore, is part of every living thing. God is a part of me as I am a part of him. To find peace and happiness, we have to love God before everything and everyone. Since God is a part of us, we have to learn to love ourselves before we can truly learn to love anyone else. We can start by telling that negative voice in our minds to “fuck off“! And start believing in “the universal power of attraction“.
