O Juliet O Juliet
What has thou done
In youthful love’s name
You Atropo’s job hasten
Two souls sworn as one
Clotho halts the loom
Listen to Lachesis sing
Measures of sweet madness
One, two at fates’ doom
Blood is on thy hands
O sweet young Juliet
This thy own undoing
You begged of the fates
To unite two young souls
Forever under the moon
Rivers of flowing golden locks
Garnished with garland of laurel
Limbs spread one North one South
Planted firmly on green miry moss
Beconing the birth of mankind
Stirring the loins of married men
Sits wrapped in a woolen cloak
Skin as pale as the finest chalk
Lips as soft as pinkest rose pedals
Eyes the depth of deepest voids
Dark corridors leading to madness
Such is the fate of sweet Ophelia
Oh Mighty Titus your seed was doomed
Entering life the third day of the third month
Life’s blows would be dealt to her in threes
Such was the fate of Titus’ tiny girl babe
The gift of songs ripped from her throat
hands to rot in the woods of no more use
Her tongue and hands taken for your sins
Cruel perhaps yet paled to Titus himself
So black your heart even Lucifer rejoiceth
Three suitors mighty Titus would betray
As three sot revenge on sweet Lavinia
For which her father snuffed out her life
a story of love’s betrayal
three daughter’s he had
Cordelia, Goneril, Regan
the mad vain King Lear
youngest and favorite of
all was beautiful Cordelia
he could not see her love
blinded by his own vanity
summoned by their father
to profess their devotion
sisters Goneril and Regan
tongues rattled like snakes
her love found in actions
she professed no words
love and be silent for she
wound Not commit heresy
against her beloved father
this enraged vain King Lear
he banished young Cordelia
and divided his entire fortune
among the two who feigned
loyalty and love to his ego
Cordelia returned too late
when she heard King Lear
was driven to madness by
his own chosen daughters
with love still in her heart
she forgave him his betrayal
before being hung from a tree
by her own two loving sisters