The first noble truth: In life, there is suffering, because of the impermanent nature of things.
The second noble truth: Suffering is due to attachments and expectations, to grasping and clinging.
The third noble truth: It's possible to end suffering by giving up attachments (clinging) and expectations (grasping).
The fourth noble truth: The way to end suffering due to clinging and grasping is through balance and living in the present.
I think „letting go“ doesn’t just happen because you know you should but it’s a mindful process, a daily choice. And „letting go“ really encompasses not just emotions, relationships and daily strife but the physical baggage we accumulate. I‘m trying hard to purge myself, trying to „let go“ of all that extra unnecessary stuff.
All for goodwill but I still have too much baggage.

......helps when you have a smaller house, no garage and only two closets . Oh, forgot, no kids and no husband