Soulmates? Nope. No such thing. I have no illusions about the destiny of two souls. I do though still like to daydream at times from which might flow a heartfelt poem or two about an Anam Cara. Love? Yes, love is, however, a decision, a choice and not just an emotion spurred on by pheromones. Two people must be sufficiently enlightened to understand love means always putting the other person first which includes ahead of ones own ego and insecurities. And here, love often times will falter, especially when one hasn’t come to terms with oneself because how can one except someone’s love if one doesn’t like oneself?
mysterious unknown
spark the imagination
excite superhighway
neuron fiber gates
endorphins over flow
like spring showers
flood banks to feed
the arid needy earth
soon water recedes
the ground saturated
left behind are only
memories of those
spring showers
we long, thirst for love and when it finds us we are elated initially but quickly learn to take it for granted and then it vanishes like spring showers.
enchanted frog prince
once upon a long time
ago i fell in love with an
enchanted frog prince by
the trout river where he
struck a deal to one day
pluck the stars from the
heavens if i set him free
from the entrapment of
an evil heartless maiden
when I finally kissed him
to grant his wish the frog
croaked and hopped away