Winter Haiku
The winter’s first snow
Falling gently from the sky
Glistening pure white
The once brown landscape
Sprinkled with infinite flakes
Now a coat of white
The sun’s rays dancing
Heaven’s gems sparkling brightly
Each snowflake unique

The sun’s rays dancing on the snow
Glistening, shimmering my eyes tear
The lazy sun fighting clouds too low
Decides to retire early this time of year
Elongated black shadows slowly sway
on a painted landscape of purest White
Paw prints crisscrossing blank canvases
Evidence of recent life in a frozen world
Icy winds blow from Old Man North’s lips
Sparse shriveled leaves clinging on tightly
To the trees’ outstretched naked finger tips
As his breath whispers thru smallest cracks
Moon patiently waits for Sun to fall asleep
As she slumbers he watches over the earth
Winter is his time to closely earn his keep
His eerie presence hauntingly void of mirth
