I held someone’s hand today as she took her last two breaths of life. Sadly, I’ve lost count of how many souls I’ve watched depart. I think sometimes how callous I must appear to not shed a tear quite yet, turning my attention to the business at hand. I‘ve, however, concluded this stance is a distraction, a learned method of coping. I couldn’t carry on as a long term care nurse if I couldn’t cope with death and loss. Surly the forms of coping skills we learn in life shape who we become and paths we choose in life. I wonder how this change, subtle over time, yet powerful has impacted who I am becoming. Each time I witness someone taking their last breath, I am impacted. Because once all the distraction is done, the hussle and bussle of life surrounding me dies down, I reflect. I am given a renewed chance to see what’s really important in life. I see life from a different perspective. What if today is my last breath? What if today is your last breath?